Magnetic Resonance
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Scalable up to 32 channel*
digital RF receive technology 

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Obtain more consistent, robust imaging results for mainstream and advanced applications with our oStream digital RF receive technology.

oStream brings analog-to-digital signal conversion right at the magnet, reducing signal losses as they are transferred from the magnet to the image reconstructor. This RF receive technology enhances SNR and image quality by shortening the analog pathway. Your MR practice will benefit from enhanced signal integrity and faster throughput with scalable RF receive technology designed to evolve with you.

A visual explanation of oStream architecture

How it works

The oStream architecture uses digital RF sampling to digitize the signal at the magnet. This retains the integrity of the MR signal, resulting in high image quality compared to conventional analog-digital-conversion (ADC).

Conventional analog-digital-conversion
With conventional ADC, the signals from the coils travel over a long analog pathway from the scanning room to the electronics cabinet where the signal is digitized.

how it works conventional

oStream digital RF receive technology

With oStream, the signals from the coils travel a short analog pathway to the ADC at the magnet, and the signal is digitized right at the magnet in the scanning room. The digital signal is transferred from the magnet to the image reconstructor via a fiber optic cable enabling lossless data transmission.

how it works ostream

oStream advantages

Consistent, robust imaging

oStream facilitates consistent, robust imaging results even for challenging anatomies.

Simplified workflow and improved throughput

oStream combined with FlexStream workflow help reduce patient set up time and coil handling by up to 30% to streamline workflow and increase throughput. All total spine studies can be performed without additional coil handling. All head, body, musculoskeletal, and neurovascular studies can be done with a single ultra-lightweight anterior coil or the 8-channel SENSE MSK coils.

Future-proof architecture

Clinical capabilities can be expanded without major system overhauls, resulting in lower lifecycle costs and improved return on investment. Step up to high performance, new applications, and enhanced image quality with dedicated coils, including the 32-channel coil.

*32 channel is an option

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