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Co-creating a patient focused strategy

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Philips consulting team helps GenesisCare transform the patient perspective

GenesisCare, a private provider of oncology, cardiology, and respiratory care services in 30+ sites in Australia as well as facilities in the United Kingdom and Spain collaborated with Philips and doubled their patient satisfaction (NPS) score over a period of six months post engagement*.


Understanding that the patient’s perspective of the quality of care received at their oncology centers plays a very large role in their clinical, operational and financial success, GenesisCare made patient experience key in their strategic initiative: to create the Cancer Service Of the Future.


Rapid growth in the past decade had left the health system with inconsistencies in areas of processes, staff engagement, and delivery of patient-centered care. Genesis Care recognized that the Philips team had the relevant clinical expertise and experience in combining clinical optimization with experience solutions to support them in their strategic ambitions.

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"The huge benefit we got from collaborating with Philips was to be able to pull it all together in a very comprehensive fashion and quickly get some tangible and concrete outcomes from the process.’’ 

- Andrew Saunders

Group manager, GenesisCare

Our Approach

Philips consultants conducted a series of assessments, including a design review of their flagship facility in Wembley. Our consultants then set-up and facilitated co-create workshops with over 60 participants that included patients, representatives from national advocacy groups and cross-functional staff, to get maximum stakeholder engagement.

our approach



A prioritized list of “just start” and “game changer” initiatives was created to be applied enterprise wide for a full health system improvement. The “just start” initiatives are immediate changes that can be made. The “game changers” contain the bigger changes to be made that affect the whole organization, they are currently being implemented by GenesisCare.


Within the first month of the engagement, NPS performance at the Wembley facility improved to 60%, and further improved to 84% in subsequent months*.

GenesisCare improvements graphic

Visualizations created for the just start initiatives

* Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

GenesisCare Logo

Meet our team

Angus Cameron

Angus Cameron

Managing Principal APAC

Angus has over 20 years of healthcare consulting experience most significantly in strategy, cost containment, model of care enhancement, benchmarking, process improvement and enhancing patient experience. His tenure, experience and numerous postings at prestigious Australian, US Hospitals and South East Asian organisations have provided him with the requisite skill set to manage and work on a variety of different public and private health projects.

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Debbie Slye

Debbie Slye, MN, RN, ExO

Global Lead, Healthcare Operations & Clinical Transformation

Debbie and her team help healthcare organizations drive sustainable transformation by empowering staff to balance demands for patient access, to manage throughput across the enterprise, and to optimize overall clinical and financial outcomes. Using a people-centered and data-driven approach Debbie supports customers to synthesize the results in the current state, envision a future and develop a realistic roadmap to achieve operational and clinical excellence.

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  • People-centered care for proton therapy patients

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    People-centered care for proton therapy patients

  • Consolidating two hospitals into one campus

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