Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute's Experience with SmartSpeed

By Philips Featuring Constantino Peña, MD, Carlos Avila and Yi Xia, Philips | April, 2024 | 19:03 min


Magnetic Resonance


SmartSpeed webinar with Dr. Peña

Webinar highlights - Total duration [19:03]


[00:10] ∙ Introduction to MCVI and the main MR Imaging Pain Points

[02:42] ∙ Experience and clinical cases with Compressed SENSE

[05:00] ∙ Experience and clinical cases with SmartSpeed

[10:41] ∙ Q&A

Explore the cutting-edge advancements in medical imaging by tapping into the learnings of industry experts with Philips SmartSpeed. Watch this webinar to get insights from Dr. Constantino Peña and Carlos Avila from the Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute on how they delve into the capabilities of SmartSpeed and into a transformative era of AI-driven medical imaging for faster speed and higher resolution.1

“Typically in a 3T magnet it would take about 8 minutes to acquire these type of images (3D isotropic acquisitions), but using SmartSpeed we are now able to acquire these images in about two and a half minutes.”

Dr. Constantino Peña

Medical Director of Vascular Imaging,

Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute

Miami, Florida, USA

Speakers list

Constantino Peña, MD

Constantino Peña, MD

Medical Director of Vascular Imaging,
Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute,
Miami, Florida, USA

Carlos Avila

Carlos Avila

Clinical Specialist, Cardiac MRI department,
Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute,
Miami, Florida, USA

Yi Xia

Yi Xia

Philips Business Marketing Manager, 
Clinical & Key Customer Relationships, Philips
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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[1] Compared to SENSE

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